Friday, December 30, 2011

2nd to Last Day of 2011

Hi All!

Well, it's almost the end of 2011 already. And what a year! This was the year I decided to lose weight, go to the dentist, and get myself checked out by my primary care physician. I did lose the weight (gained some back), got to the dentist multiple times (root canal, three cleanings, three fillings and a crown), found breast cancer in one breast (very very early, thank God), found out I had the BRCA2 gene mutation, got a double mastectomy and double oophorectomy, and breast reconstruction. All that and all I can say is THANK YOU LORD FOR MY LIFE!

I am not in pain, I am able to do everything I did before and I didn't have to go through more treatments above the reconstruction. I am truly blessed!!!! I learned a lot about myself this year. I found out that I really do need Jesus Christ for everything and that He is the way, the truth and the life! Reading healing scripture (reading the Bible daily also is a plus) and prayer by both myself and others really do work! I am loved by God, my family, and friends - and I love them, too! I have a reason for being here, and God has given me that reason and what I need to do His Will. I also know that I am not perfect and I am a work in progress. I am here to help others and I am also allowed to accept help from others. I am allowed to be happy and joyful and to have a positive attitude. I am allowed to have fun and not sit in my misery and feel sorry for myself asking God why. I am a righteous child of God and that is all I need to know!

I read a phrase on Facebook the other day from Joyce Meyer - "Glance at your circumstances - stare at Jesus". That really touched me. I am learning to glance at my circumstances - they are only temporary. Jesus is for eternity - I need to concentrate on Him! When I follow Him the rest of my life falls into place. My life's journey is to follow and work towards becoming Christ-like. I have a long way to go - but I am enjoying the journey.

Happy New Year All! May you have a happy, healthy, and blessed 2012.


Thursday, December 22, 2011

Christmas is Almost Here!

If you do this, you will experience God's peace, which is far more wonderful than the human mind can understand. His peace will guard your hearts and minds as you live in Christ Jesus.
Philippians 4:7 NLT
God's peace is what is keeping me going and in such great spirits. I am at the end of my reconstruction fill-ups - one more visit for the last 10cc's in each side and I am done. Then I sit tight and wait for 4-6 weeks until my outpatient implant surgery. I will be soooo glad to get these expanders out of me. They don't cause me to not be able to do my everyday stuff - they are just uncomfortable and are pretty rigid. I am now at a C cup and plan to stay that way. I am so glad that I have the opportunity for reconstruction. It helps me to feel more like my old self with something there than to be totally flat. I understand why some women don't go my route, it ain't easy. But I did this for me to keep me as close to normal as I can get. If something goes wrong and it implants don't work out for me - I know that I tried and will feel good about that.

Is everyone ready for Christmas? We are never ready until Christmas Day. We always have a great time. It will be a bit somber without my parents around to celebrate with us. We always wish my mother a happy birthday since she shares her birthday with Christ :-) We had such wonderful Christmas's growing up - with Dad and his 8MM camera and lights - it felt like we were in Hollywood - and the wonderful display of gifts that my mother so painstakenly set up for us.. We have those memories captured on film and can watch them anytime. I look forward to the day when I can watch them without tears - not sure if that will ever happen.

I have met and heard of so many people with cancer diagnoses. It's epidemic. What is going on? Is it all the chemicals in our food and water? Maybe it's our lifestyles of never getting exercise but always running (usually via internet or sitting in our cars) and eating fast food. I have to say I have not been doing well with my diet over the last few months. I need to get back to eating right and slimming down my portions. I sure do love to overindulge!

May you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! Remember to keep the Christ in Christmas! And don't be afraid do tell someone "Merry Christmas" - it's not a sin! And if they don't like it they will tell you - but you can just state that this is who you are - you celebrate Christmas. If you are not a Christian - I still say Merry Christmas - I am wishing God's blessings and love on you.

Love and blessings to all!